Since we've had blogs in 3 different places, we're in the process of combining them. Please bare with us as they'll probably be all out of order and not very pretty!
Today is (almost was since it's almost midnight!) Ellie's 1st birthday. Time has gone so fast. It literally seems like only a month ago that we brought her home. I thank God for leading us to our agency (For This Child), guiding our process quickly, and giving us such an angel baby (well, an angel most of the time!)
Eliana Elisabeth (born Daniela Desire) was hand picked by God for our family. I can't help but think of the sacrifice her birthmother made a year ago. How her heart must have been breaking to know that she would probably never see this child again. How much she has probably prayed that this child would be loved beyond measure. I wonder if she has thought about her today, if she remembers. But, how could she forget?
Ellie has gone through today just like any other day. I'm sure she remembers no one else except our family since she wasn't even 3 months old when I traveled to Guatemala to be with her. She doesn't know that thousands of miles away there is a woman who gave the most selfless sacrifice - her baby girl - for the love of her child. I hope that one day Ellie can grasp the concept. Being an adoptee myself, I know the questions and emotions that come with trying to sort through it all. But, I pray everyday that God gives us wisdom and words to tell her story in a way that brings Him glory.
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