We made it home Friday night. The flight home was exhausting. I do not recommend traveling with a 3 month old alone! What a trip. But, we're home and doing well.
The weekend was a zoo. My parents were here staying with us, company in and out, the boys had soccer games Saturday......it's no wonder that Ellie cried 90% of the weekend.
Life is beginning to get into a normal routine now. My parents left on Monday and Kyle has this week off before beginning his new job. So, we are trying to get a schedule down before I'm left alone with them all! We're also trying to potty train Jacob, which isn't going too well. He's soooo strong willed! I thought he'd be easy, but he's proving to be the most difficult one so far!
Ellie is doing better. We changed her formula yesterday and that seems to have helped some. She does sleep all night, but doesn't sleep much in the daytime. Unless she's in her swing, then she'll sleep for hours on end. I'd leave her in there 24/7 if I didn't think that'd cause a whole new set of problems!
Here's a picture of her at home. We haven't had the chance to take very good pictures yet, but you get the idea of life with 4 kids!

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