Thanksgiving has never been a huge family gathering for our families. In fact, in almost 7 years of marriage, I can only remember 2 Thanksgivings that we spent with extended family. Kyle's parents go to their beach house in Myrtle Beach, SC, his brother and sister-in-law spend time with her family, my dad stays home and goes hunting and my mom goes to Knoxville to be with her mom.
That leaves us alone, most of the time. And, especially since Kyle did not get any day off except Thanksgiving, this year was no exception. My mom and grandmother came Monday but were gone by Wed. morning.
This is when it's nice to have such wonderful friends. Our church does not have Sun. night services and instead divides into groups to meet in homes throughout the week (home groups). Our home group consists of our pastor and his wife and 2 other young couples. Last week, after discussing our T'giving plans (or lack thereof), the 2 couples invited us to have T'giving dinner with them. (they live next door to each other and the husband of one couple and the wife of another are brother/sister.) So, we took them up on the offer and had a great time! I forgot the camera and regret it now, but with 3 couples and 9 kids under the age of 5, we were sure to not be bored!
Yesterday we ventured to a local tree farm to get our Christmas tree. Of course, it took us forever to find the right tree. It's almost impossible to find a tree with two indecisive, perfectionist people! We finally found one, though, and the kids had a blast walking around and watching Kyle cut the tree down.
Here are some pictures from the past few days.

BooBoo meets Ellie

Goin' on a tree hunt......

We found one!

Kyle cuts it down.
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