Saturday, June 24, 2006

DATE: 02/24/2006 01:14:58 PM

Over the past few weeks, Lucas has developed a fascination with the army, guns, fighting, soldiers, tanks, and anything that seems tough and is in camoflauge. This is all to my horror and sheer devestation at the thought that my 5 year old would have anything to do with violence. We do not have any toy guns in the house, but that does not stop him. I have learned that many things can be a gun.....legos, a lincoln log, any type of straight stick-like object, my kitchen spoons and other gadgets, and (his personal favorite) any food that can be bitten into the shape of a gun. I am assured by Kyle, though, that it is all completely normal and is not in any way a predictor of future behavior.

Here is his latest artistic rendering of army guys:
Feb. 2006 047.jpg

Here are some more drawings and a story he wrote today (thankfully, these are a little more tame!)

Feb. 2006 046.jpg
This is Arthur and Buster (from the books and PBS cartoon) going swimming in the ocean. That's a flying tiger overhead.

Feb. 2006 043.jpg
His story says:
One day eagle man was walking down the street and he saw a big glob of mud. He saw mud villian then he went and got him. The End


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