Monday, July 3, 2006

Weekend activities

My college roommate and her husband and little boy visited us this weekend. We took them to a Braves game Saturday night and to Stone Mountain last night. This was Lucas' 1st game that he's been old enough to remember and enjoy and he had a great time. He really loves baseball and, although I may be biased just a bit, is quite better at it than your average 5 1/2 year old! His new role model is Jeff Francouer, and with Joshua 1:9 on his batting glove, I don't mind a bit.

The laser show at Stone Mountain was spectacular as always. The downside? The 50+thousand other people who decided to go see it as well. Plus all the extra tourist traps they've added to the park have taken away from the environment that it used to have. (that's a blog for another day)
The 3 hour wait for it to start was a bit much for the kids, but they were as good as you could expect them to be.

Now if I could just get them to sleep early tonight to make up for the late night we had yesterday!

When did I grow up?

Last Thursday marked 31 years of my existence. I can't say that I was too excited. Last year, I hit 30 with great fervor. But, 31....well, it seems I've gone over the edge and won't ever be back.

I think it hit me when I remembered a doctor's visit that took place over a year ago. I had been for a sore throat or something very minor and the doctor said, "Let me give you my over 30 tip sheet" I tossed it aside making mention that I was not even 30 yet. Anyway, on the sheet were things to eat, exercises to do, annual tests/exams to be done.....things that I never would have thought should begin at 30. So, is that when your body starts breaking down? When it says, "enough. I've been holding up this long and can't do it anymore?"

In my mind I don't feel 31. I don't feel any different than I did in college. I don't feel old enough to have 4 kids and have been married for 7 years. But I am.

31 isn't old. It isn't even close to 50 or 60 or 70 (not that 50 is old, or 60 either....but you have to start somewhere!). But for some reason, it's been a tough birthday to want to celebrate.

No, I'm not in a state of depression. Just taking a journey back and wondering when I grew up.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

What A Day!

Today has been quite a day for celebrating!

This morning at church, we had Ellie's dedication service. She, as usual, was very much the charmer and even reached out for our pastor (who she knows very well) to hold her.

Lucas was baptized this morning also. He made the decision to ask Christ into his life sometime last year, but has just now wanted to do the baptism. Our church allows fathers (who have a relationship with Christ) to baptize their sons, so Kyle got to have that privelege! It was so neat to see Lucas making that decision. We have prayed that God would turn our children's hearts towards Him and He has been so faithful in that.

We came home after church and had Ellie's birthday party. My parents, Kyle's parents, Kyle's brother and sister-in-law, and some close friends of ours and their 3 month old were here. Whew. I needed a bigger house.....bigger kitchen at least. I had to put Ellie in the bed for a nap while we were eating and then woke her up for presents/cake. She was NOT very happy about it, so we kinda rushed through it all. She loved the cake and wasn't hesitant at all. Even screamed when it was all gone because she wanted more! Little Miss Piggy!

Finally, Jacob has been tee-tee in the potty 3 times in a row now. Last night, this morning, and again at church. I got fed up yesterday and drew a line in the sand. I told him diapers were going in the trash and he could only wear one at night - that he could go all over the floor as long as he wanted to, but that he would be cleaning it up and changing himself. I'm not sure if that's what did it or not, but words cannot express how happy I am at this moment. I'm holding my breath to see if it continues, but we're definitely NOT going back to diapers!

What a day!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Eliana!

Since we've had blogs in 3 different places, we're in the process of combining them. Please bare with us as they'll probably be all out of order and not very pretty!

Today is (almost was since it's almost midnight!) Ellie's 1st birthday. Time has gone so fast. It literally seems like only a month ago that we brought her home. I thank God for leading us to our agency (For This Child), guiding our process quickly, and giving us such an angel baby (well, an angel most of the time!)

Eliana Elisabeth (born Daniela Desire) was hand picked by God for our family. I can't help but think of the sacrifice her birthmother made a year ago. How her heart must have been breaking to know that she would probably never see this child again. How much she has probably prayed that this child would be loved beyond measure. I wonder if she has thought about her today, if she remembers. But, how could she forget?

Ellie has gone through today just like any other day. I'm sure she remembers no one else except our family since she wasn't even 3 months old when I traveled to Guatemala to be with her. She doesn't know that thousands of miles away there is a woman who gave the most selfless sacrifice - her baby girl - for the love of her child. I hope that one day Ellie can grasp the concept. Being an adoptee myself, I know the questions and emotions that come with trying to sort through it all. But, I pray everyday that God gives us wisdom and words to tell her story in a way that brings Him glory.
DATE: 06/06/2006 02:49:44 PM

A few weeks ago, the hospital Kyle works for had their annual fundraising ball. He was required to go and I got to tag along as the "dutiful spouse." It wasn't our kind of thing AT ALL, but it was fun to get dressed up for the first time since we were married, I think! Here's a pic of the 2 of us.......this is as good as we get I suppose.

DATE: 06/06/2006 03:17:05 PM

Well, we made it back from Michigan Sunday night. After driving 1600 miles round trip (side trips included), I think I'll be ok with never getting back in the van with my kids again. The boys did ok. Noah said maybe 5 words the entire 2 day trip up and 2 day trip back home. Lucas got a little ansy, but that's to be expected. Jacob had one 'moment" that passed quickly.

Ellie, however.........well what can be said. We spent a large majority of the trip with the windows down to muffle the sound of her ear piercing shrieks and screams. Here's a tiny (emphasis on the word TINY) sampling of what we experienced for the part of our trip that required being in the van.

(let me know if that works!)

And, yes, she is turned around front facing and no, she doesn't way 20 pounds and isn't a year old yet, but we were desperate to try anything!

We realized after renting a bike for Lucas to ride for the week that he had no experience riding up and down hills. His bike riding has been limited to riding in circles around our very flat cul-de-sac. He did, however, conquer his fear of riding down a very steep hill before the end of the week. The first day he tried it alone, he kept he brakes on and was barely moving. We could see his lips moving, though, and questioned him on what he was saying. He told us he was saying to himself "God gives me bravery, not fear." Words can't express the feeling of seeing the fruit from lessons that you've been fiercely trying to instill in your children.

We had a great time. The kids were exhausted when we got home as were Kyle and I, but we wouldn't trade the week for anything. There's something to be said for spending a week away from TV, cell phones, radio, computers, and just being with your family and listening to God. And God did teach us quite a bit. Maybe more on that at a later date. Right now, I'm still trying to unpack suitcases!

Here are a couple of pics from the week....
family camp 2006 004.jpg
Lucas conquering his fear

family camp 2006 062.jpg
The boys in the lake

family camp 2006 010.jpg
Ellie in the lake

DATE: 05/04/2006 11:01:37 PM

Noah's last day of preschool is next Thursday. I guess between now and then they are just trying to fill the days. Today was "crazy hair day" for his preschool class. Noah wanted a mohawk, so we did our best to give him the look he desired. Here's how it turned out.

april 2006 165.jpg

Noah's been doing so well this year. Because he was premature (at least we think that's the root cause) he's been delayed in speech and some motor skills. We also are starting to think he has some sensory issues, which means that his brain doesn't process sensory things (touch, noises, bright lights, balance, movement, etc.) the way most people do. He gets overwhelmed very easy. Anytime we're in a place with crowds and noise, he freaks out, things like that.

So, our pediatrician gives us a referral for a speech therapist (he had a great one in MS and we were sad to leave her!) and physical therapy evaluations.

However, insurance won't cover those evaluations. We are now trying to go through the school system, but no one there will call me back.

Oh the joys of trying to get help for your child!
DATE: 05/05/2006 08:15:59 PM
The past 2 nights, all 4 children have slept all night. That hasn't happened in.....let's see about 5 1/2 years. Praise God for sleep!
DATE: 04/14/2006 09:51:12 PM

Today is Kyle's 32nd birthday!

It's been a great day. We had friends over to grill out tonight and enjoyed eating, talking, and laughing. The boys and I got him a tent, so we revealed it tonight also. Although, Jacob told him last night what we had gotten. He still did a very good- emmy-award winning performance of acting surprised.

I'm so blessed to have him as a husband. Even though he's so very old, I still love him!

Happy Birthday Kyle!
DATE: 04/19/2006 09:20:58 AM

So, last night we were talking to Lucas about obedience and explained to him that God gave him a Mom and Dad to take care of him, teach him, and keep him safe.

I said "Wouldn't it be sad if you didn't have a mom and dad. What would you do?" I was waiting for the response that would melt a mom's heart. The moment when I could look at my oldest son and say "I've done well raising him" When his answer would stir emotions in me like never before.

Here's what I got.

Lucas said, "Yeah, like there wouldn't be anyone to blow up my floatie when I wanted to swim."

There you have it. Life without parents through the eyes of a 5 year old.
DATE: 04/23/2006 03:19:55 PM

Lucas just informed us that one night God told him he was supposed to be a policeman when he grows up.

Me: How do you know it was God?
Lucas: Because it sounded like Him.
Me: hmmm. What did it sound like?
Lucas: You know, like "aaaaahhhhhh" (in a very ghostly Godly sounding way)
Me: What exactly did He say?
Lucas: I told him I wanted to be an underground man (a miner) when I grew up and He showed me a picture in my head of me being a policeman. So, I just knew.

So here I am documenting my 5 year old's revelation.

To be continued.....
in approximately 15 years.
DATE: 04/24/2006 02:58:51 PM

Since our camera is broken, I took Kyle's mom's and downloaded them on our computer. They're not the best, but here are a few pictures from this month.

april 2006 042.jpg
Ellie swinging at MiMi's house.

april 2006 054.jpg
The boys washing Daddy's car a few weeks ago.

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Lucas performing for us in PawPaw's office.

april 2006 073.jpg
The boys washing their jeeps at MiMi and PawPaw's house.

DATE: 03/14/2006 01:32:42 PM

The weather here has been absolutely crazy. It was freezing a couple of weeks ago, last week, was above 80 and today is suddenly cold and VERY windy. My kids are all confused.

We tood advantage of the weather last week, though, and stayed outside as much as possible. Here are some pictures of our outdoor adventures!

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Lucas getting ready for baseball season.

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Noah's job.....chasing the ball

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Jacob...who knows what he's doing, but he's not destroying anything, so I'm happy.

march 2006 193.jpg
Ellie, who has to be strapped in her high chair to avoid any mishaps!
DATE: 04/01/2006 09:32:55 PM

Last night, Kyle's gracious parents kept all 4 of our kids and let them spend the night. Kyle and I had the 1st 10 hour stretch of sleep that we can remember in quite some time. It was absolutely glorious! We woke up this morning to a quiet house. A rather strange occurrence around here.

We went to get the kiddos after lunch and stayed to wash Kyle's car (that way we run up his parents water bill!). The boys washed their power wheels jeep and Ellie watched it all from the shady spot in her stroller. We left there and took the kids to the park. Kyle and I sat and watched the boys play and talked about how great our life is.

After coming home we ate dinner, made cookies, and got the kids in bed an hour earlier than usual (due to the time change tonight. ugh!)

It's been a perfect day. Couldn't ask for better.

(no pictures today. our camera broke again! thinking we're telling canon to send us a new one instead of repairing this one for the 2nd time!)
DATE: 02/27/2006 02:10:10 PM

Lucas' question to me on the way home from Target today:

"If Jesus is God and Jesus is God's son, is he the son of himself?"
DATE: 03/05/2006 08:15:14 PM

On Saturday, Kyle and I took Lucas and Noah to the Georgia Force Arena Football game. It was an interesting experience....something I couldn't get into, but nonetheless, fun for the boys. Lucas anyway. Noah doesn't manage well in situations that involve large crowds, lots of noise, and heights, but that's another post. We stayed until half-time and decided to relieve poor little Noah of the sensory overload. Being that we were just a few blocks from the new Georgia Aquarium, and that Kyle's parents gave everyone in the family season tickets for Christmas, we took a stroll through there. We had a great time, but never will we attempt that on a Saturday again. Every exhibit was packed and the kids had to fight there way up to see anything. The lines for certain things were incredibly long and some places were almost impassible. That said, it is a fantastic place!

We arrived back Saturday night to pick up Jacob and Ellie who had been staying at Kyle's parents house. One look at Ellie told me that something wasn't right. Under her eye was about an inch long bruise with a cut through the middle and puffiness all around. Seems she had a battle with the end table and it won. Her first battle wound! Like any good parent, we took lots of pictures.

Today was spend at church and grocery shopping.....the usual Sunday routine. We found out that friends of ours Ron and Alison welcomed their 2nd child, a boy, into the world Saturday morning. Congrats guys!!!

Here are a few pics from the weekend:

march 2006 007.jpg
Lucas at the game.

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With the Beluga whales at the aquarium

march 2006 087.jpg
Ellie's battle wound
DATE: 03/14/2006 01:21:41 PM

Friday night, we stopped by Sonic to get ice cream. On the way home, Jacob was asking what each person in the family was eating.

Jacob: What's Daddy got?
Me: Ice cream
Jacob: No he do not. Daddy too fat to eat ice cream!

Thankfully, Kyle took this very well and even laughed! I must explain, though, that we are always saying "Daddy's too fat to eat that" (whatever that may be) so I'm sure that's where it came from. Nonetheless, Jacob is now the "fat monitor" of everyone in the house!

DATE: 02/05/2006 06:43:29 PM
This weekend Kyle and I attended our church's annual marriage retreat.

It was such a great time to get away and allow God to deal with us separately and as a couple. There were so many issues that we've kept pushing aside as we just live from day to day. While ignoring them, we never realized the wall that was developing between us. So this weekend, after various seminars, discussions, and much prayer, we dealt with them. It was wonderful. We've been so busy being mom and dad that we had forgotten about being husband and wife.

Our first seminar topic was about our own relationship with God. Although I've been a Christian for 18 years now, I can remember times that I've been more passionate about my relationship with God. I've let so many other things get in between, and the sad thing is that I haven't even stopped to take time to notice. I spent much time this weekend in prayer and just listening and really felt God's presence for the first time in a while.

It's amazing how things just all fall into place, once you surrender everything to Him.

So, now the real test comes. Reality at home. Away from the beauty and seclusion of our retreat center. Into the world of 4 kids, bills to pay, sickness, laundry, chores, errands, finances, recreation and on and on.

So far so great.
DATE: 02/09/2006 03:10:20 PM

Sometimes I am in awe that Ellie is a part of our lives now. Not that I love her more than our boys, but she came to us through such a sacrifice on another woman's part, that it is often bittersweet to look at her. Here is a small expression written by someone else, but tweeked to fit our situation.

I wept for a young woman in another country who will never know what it is like to rock this baby, watch this baby play with her brothers, watch her clap her hands and smile the world's biggest, brightest smile, and watch her as she sleeps like the absolute angel she is. I wept for a young woman who loved her child so much that she wanted a better life for her. I wept because I want this woman to know that her child is loved so very much. I wept because I want her to know that her child will never know hunger. I wept because I want her to know her child has a wonderful life ahead of her that will be full of opportunity, education and more. I wept for her because in my whole heart I wish I could meet her someday and thank her for what she has given us and what she has given her child. I weep because I am constantly amazed at how something so small can fill my heart with such love. My tears are a mixture of sadness and love and are from one mother to another whom I may never be able to thank in person. I pray God watches over this young woman and I pray she trusts in Him enough to know that this child is in a loving, safe home and that somehow that eases her sad heart if even just a little.

Feb. 2006 026.jpg

DATE: 02/24/2006 01:14:58 PM

Over the past few weeks, Lucas has developed a fascination with the army, guns, fighting, soldiers, tanks, and anything that seems tough and is in camoflauge. This is all to my horror and sheer devestation at the thought that my 5 year old would have anything to do with violence. We do not have any toy guns in the house, but that does not stop him. I have learned that many things can be a gun.....legos, a lincoln log, any type of straight stick-like object, my kitchen spoons and other gadgets, and (his personal favorite) any food that can be bitten into the shape of a gun. I am assured by Kyle, though, that it is all completely normal and is not in any way a predictor of future behavior.

Here is his latest artistic rendering of army guys:
Feb. 2006 047.jpg

Here are some more drawings and a story he wrote today (thankfully, these are a little more tame!)

Feb. 2006 046.jpg
This is Arthur and Buster (from the books and PBS cartoon) going swimming in the ocean. That's a flying tiger overhead.

Feb. 2006 043.jpg
His story says:
One day eagle man was walking down the street and he saw a big glob of mud. He saw mud villian then he went and got him. The End

DATE: 02/24/2006 01:32:53 PM

Ellie has just this week discovered there's a new world waiting to be explored. She began pulling up to her knees last week, but has added the next step of pulling up to standing over the past couple of days. We lowered her crib mattress just in time!

I'm very afraid that she will be walking soon and am not ready for that next stage! We're already researching those baby gates that fit together to form a "baby pen" so that she doesn't have to be constrained, but is still in a confined area.

Here she is ........... the agile princess herself:

Feb. 2006 061.jpg
Step 1: crawl to your target
DATE: 01/19/2006 03:15:32 PM

OK, after much frustration in trying to get the girl to be still for just a second while I took a picture, I have a couple of pictures of Ellie's new pierced ears.

On another note..........I'm not sure if a baby's activity level is a predictor their future activity level, but if so, I'm in for it. NONE of our kids were this active at 6 months.......and they are all now very active boys. Ellie is constantly moving. I know it seems as if I exaggerate, but I kid you not. Even while drinking a bottle (which is another topic altogether), she kicks her feet and turns her head 1000 times as if I'm supposed to chase her mouth with the bottle. Going to sleep, she will kick her legs down on the bed over and over until she falls asleep. If I sit her on the floor to play, she will sit for 3 seconds, then start crawling around looking for any microscopic piece of paper or dirt that she can find on the carpet and chew on.

She's wearing me out!

Jan.2006 038.jpg
Ellie chewing on a microphone. (It's not as dangerous as it appears! LOL)

Jan.2006 054.jpg
Ellie with her upside-down pacifier. Yes, she likes it this way.
DATE: 02/05/2006 06:34:12 PM

Well, not exactly his first......he technically has been around for 6 of them, but this is the 1st one he's wanted to watch. He decided that he's cheering for the Seahawks and even made himself a sign, which he is most proud of!

Feb. 2006 002.jpg
The phonics work we're doing is really paying off, huh?

Note the "claws" on the seahawks feet. He's extra proud of those!
DATE: 12/15/2005 01:54:53 PM

Is it too much to ask for snow on Christmas? Maybe so......we woke up this morning to our own frozen tundra. I guess this is the curse of living not too far south, but not far enough north.

Here's what we awoke to this morning. (in all the nastiness of the day, it's actually quite beautiful!) Take a look!

Dec. 15 2005 063.jpg

Dec. 15 2005 065.jpg

Dec. 15 2005 077.jpg
DATE: 12/30/2005 11:08:36 AM

Wow. It's so hard every year to believe that Christmas is over! It seems like there is this month-long build up to a day that passes so quickly, I sometimes wonder if I was even there!

We had a great Christmas. It just gets more fun every year as our children get older. Lucas was so excited this year about gifts (both getting AND giving, I'm proud to say!). We just knew that we'd be awake at sunrise opening gifts. However, we woke them up at 7:45! They were all so excited about their gifts. All the boys each got a scooter and some other things. I think they were most excited about the small, cheap gifts in their stockings, though. Who woulda thought!

We don't "do" Santa. Instead, we tell our kids the story about the real St. Nicholas and talk with them about how people dress up as Santa Clause to remind us of him. (we also tell them that they know a big boy secret that other kids don't know and they can never tell!) The boys are still at the age where the line between pretend and real is a little blurry. But, I thought Lucas understood. Until christmas eve. We were watching the weatherman on TV show his "Santa" radar. Lucas asked if Santa was coming down our chimney. I said "Lucas, is Santa real?" and he said "I don't mean that one, I mean the pretend one who dresses up every year!" Oh well.

Here are some pictures of our day. I got so carried away with their gifts, I forgot to take many pictures!

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Lucas first reaction to his gifts!

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Noah and his "stash"

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Jacob checks out his stocking

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It's so true that the more children you have the less pictures you take! This is one of 3 pictures we got of Ellie! Note the winged hair-do!

christmas 2005 046.jpg
Just to prove we do brush her hair!

DATE: 01/17/2006 08:45:54 AM

Not much going on around here. Just living life. We did take Ellie to get her ears pierced this past weekend, though. Actually, Kyle did it. His idea and he took her. I couldn't bare the thought........Haven't taken a picture of her with them yet. I'll try to get one today. Here are a few pictures of the past week or so.

Jan.13.2006 018.jpg

Dec.31.05 069.jpg

Dec.31.05 055.jpg

I'll have to take some more pictures.........amazing how few pictures we take now compared to 5 years ago!
DATE: 12/07/2005 03:46:38 PM
Because of Alison's inspirational blog about ramen noodles, I bought a couple packs last night at the grocery store. It's been a while since I tried them out with the boys. Lucas and Jacob have become very fond of chicken noodle soup, so I thought I could pass ramen off as the same thing.

So, for lunch today I made a pack of creamy chicken Ramen and told the boys they were having worm soup for lunch. It was a hit! Lucas and Jacob loved them!

I've never been so excited about Ramen in my life. I'm not a big fan myself, but if my kids will eat it (and it's sooo very cheap), then it'll become a staple in our household!

Long live Ramen! (and thanks Alison!)
DATE: 12/15/2005 01:50:02 PM

Today is Noah's 4th birthday! I can't believe how fast it's gone. Noah was born at 9:56am on Dec. 15, 2001.....6 weeks before his due date. Talk about a Christmas surprise! He is such a precious little boy and we are so blessed to have him.

He's been a tad confused because we had his birthday party Tuesday night at Kyle's mom's house. So, today after preschool, we went to a friend's house (very close friends of ours live a few houses down from us and have 3 boys as well.) We had a little celebration there, but he doesn't understand why he's not having a "real birthday party" today! Oh well.

Here are some pictures from the past few days....

Dec. 15 2005 012.jpg
No, he's not really cross-eyed. I guess he was staring too closely at the candles!
Dec. 15 2005 030.jpg
Noah at preschool.....I don't know what kind of face he's making!?!?
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Making a gingerbread house at school.
Dec. 15 2005 069.jpg
The boys with their best friends......what a crew!!!
DATE: 11/19/2005 03:29:23 PM

On today's agenda was taking a picture for our Christmas card this year. We had orginally intended to have a photographer friend do this for us, but that never seemed to work out. So, we did it ourselves. Usually, we do this, and though some effort is involved, it turns out ok. This time, there was crying, kicking, screaming..........and that was just by me! LOL Seriously, though, it was chaos to get a 5 yr. old, (almost) 4 yr. old, 2 yr old., and 4 month old still, looking the same way and smiling all at the same time. Here is what much of our photo session turned out to be!

Crying christmas.jpg

So, when you get our Christmas card this year, please know the story behind those angelic faces wishing you a Merry Christmas!
DATE: 11/27/2005 05:21:55 PM

Last Monday, Ellie went to the doctor so we could get lab results from all her blood work and a weight check again. She finally gained a pound since coming home almost 2 months ago. Her labwork was all normal, except that she was a little anemic. Nothing a few iron drops can't fix. The doctor did, however, still hear a heart murmur. She thinks it's innocent, but because we have no medical history on Ellie, we're off to the cardiologist Dec. 6. She also recieved her 2nd round of vaccines. I was a little nervous because a month ago she had one of the vaccines and her eye swole up the next day. It cleared up quickly, but I wondered if it were an allergic reaction.

Monday night, I began to notice that the same eye was beginning to look a little puffy. Kyle told me I was seeing things, but Tuesday morning confirmed what I thought. When she woke Tues. morning, she looked as if she'd been in a brawl the night before. It just got worse and worse, began to drain gunky stuff, and by Tuesday afternoon it was in both eyes. I took lots of pictures in case it was gone by the time we got to the doctor, but I didn't even have to pull out the camera. Here eyes were evidence enough. Turned out to be Pink Eye which none of the rest of us caught, thank God! She looked sooo miserable, though. After a few doses of eye drops, she was back to her old self.

Here's Ellie on Tuesday morning before it was too bad.
DATE: 11/27/2005 05:38:36 PM

Thanksgiving has never been a huge family gathering for our families. In fact, in almost 7 years of marriage, I can only remember 2 Thanksgivings that we spent with extended family. Kyle's parents go to their beach house in Myrtle Beach, SC, his brother and sister-in-law spend time with her family, my dad stays home and goes hunting and my mom goes to Knoxville to be with her mom.

That leaves us alone, most of the time. And, especially since Kyle did not get any day off except Thanksgiving, this year was no exception. My mom and grandmother came Monday but were gone by Wed. morning.

This is when it's nice to have such wonderful friends. Our church does not have Sun. night services and instead divides into groups to meet in homes throughout the week (home groups). Our home group consists of our pastor and his wife and 2 other young couples. Last week, after discussing our T'giving plans (or lack thereof), the 2 couples invited us to have T'giving dinner with them. (they live next door to each other and the husband of one couple and the wife of another are brother/sister.) So, we took them up on the offer and had a great time! I forgot the camera and regret it now, but with 3 couples and 9 kids under the age of 5, we were sure to not be bored!

Yesterday we ventured to a local tree farm to get our Christmas tree. Of course, it took us forever to find the right tree. It's almost impossible to find a tree with two indecisive, perfectionist people! We finally found one, though, and the kids had a blast walking around and watching Kyle cut the tree down.

Here are some pictures from the past few days.

booboo and ellie.jpg
BooBoo meets Ellie
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Goin' on a tree hunt......
we found one!.jpg
We found one!
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Kyle cuts it down.