We have two computers in our home. One upstairs, one down. The upstairs computer is our old PC. The downstairs - Kyle's new(ish) Mac. Our PC monitor died several months ago so we've been soley a Mac family for a while now. Not a problem, except all our old pictures were on our PC as well as a math curriculum that Lucas needed for school this year. Which is why a few weeks ago we broke down and bought a new monitor for the old computer.
All that to say I have been going through pictures on this computer, deleting bad ones that we'll never use and narrowing down our selection. I love, love, love pictures and love, love, love looking through the kids baby pics and remembering that sweet time of life.
So I thought I'd share a few -

These all got out of order, but oh well. Here's a classic Ellie face that
hasn't seeemed to disappear with age. ;)

And here she is at 3 months - looking a bit more angelic :) - in Guatemala
while we were waiting to come home.

Jacob @ about 6 months.

Noah @ 9 months after bathtime.

Our two handsome boys (lucas & noah) ready for fall festival at church.

And the next year - our 3 sweet boys just hangin' out. Daddy worked nights
during these years - so Mommy and the boys had lots of time
on our hands.

Lucas's 1st birthday

One night we heard "Feliz Navidad" coming from the bathroom. When we went to investigate we found this. Lucas on his little potty with his undies on his head.

Preemie Noah coming home from the hospital.

My baby boy Jacob and his heart-melting dimples.
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