My college roommate and her husband and little boy visited us this weekend. We took them to a Braves game Saturday night and to Stone Mountain last night. This was Lucas' 1st game that he's been old enough to remember and enjoy and he had a great time. He really loves baseball and, although I may be biased just a bit, is quite better at it than your average 5 1/2 year old! His new role model is Jeff Francouer, and with Joshua 1:9 on his batting glove, I don't mind a bit.
The laser show at Stone Mountain was spectacular as always. The downside? The 50+thousand other people who decided to go see it as well. Plus all the extra tourist traps they've added to the park have taken away from the environment that it used to have. (that's a blog for another day)
The 3 hour wait for it to start was a bit much for the kids, but they were as good as you could expect them to be.
Now if I could just get them to sleep early tonight to make up for the late night we had yesterday!
Sounds like fun! I haven't been to Stone Mountain in a few years now, but I remember how much fun it was. I hope to be able to go back sometime and take the kids.