Monday, September 27, 2010

She's leavin' on a jet plane.....

This is what is happening in my home this morning:

and this:

She actually did walk out the back door and through the gate onto the driveway. Then declared,"Okay. I changed my mind. I guess I'll stay here." Then she cleaned up her stuff and went about her day.
I read this poem this morning and loved it so much I have to share.

Approach, my soul, the mercy seat,
Where Jesus answers prayer;
There humbly fall before his feet,
For none can perish there.

Be Thou my Shield and Hiding Place,
That, sheltered by Thy side,
I may my fierce accuser face,
And tell him Thou hast died!

O wondrous love! to bleed and die,
To bear the cross and shame,
That guilty sinners, such as I,
Might plead Thy gracious name.

by John Newton

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flabby Dance, anyone?

This morning when I came downstairs, Noah was already on the couch.

 He looked at me and said, "Do you want to hear something totally insane?"

I'm always up for something totally insane so I was all in.

"I flabby danced with my pet flamingo on the 4th of July."

I asked him to repeat it to make sure I heard him correctly and indeed I had.

And that was that.

So, who's up for flabby dancing next 4th of July?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Because sometimes a list is all I can do

My brain is not working yet this morning. As evidenced by the fact that I just told Ellie to eat her cereal "without no milk." My 7th grade grammar teacher (I don't remember her last name - we called her "Myrtle") would be appalled. Maybe I truly need to go visit the big city more frequently. I think the country life is having negative effects on me.

I digress.

A list is about all I can muster this morning.

  • Our new church had it's first official service and it was amazing. We had 150+ people attending. So excited to see what God is going to do!!
  • Our new homeschool group? Amazing. We have all (Kyle included) made friends through this group and I'm so happy I decided to join.
  • The leaves have started changing colors. Considering it was 97 degrees yesterday, that's just wrong.
  • I yearn for the day when it's below 90. I'm told it will happen. I'm not so sure.
  • The other day in the car, Noah realized that Johnny Diaz (the singer) and Matt Diaz (the Braves player) are brothers. He said as serious as ever, "Their mother must be SO proud!"
  • The country is starting to feel more like home. We are settling in and adjusting to life in a small town. 
  • Today is the first day of fall. Bring on the apples, pumpkins, bake-a-thons, and weight!
  • Speaking of weight, I'm in week 5 of my couch to 5K training program. I'm running a 5K on Oct. 23. And I'm still not to that euphoric place that my friends are at where all the world is good and right when they run. 
I must go get Lucas out of bed so we're not doing school at dinner tonight. 

I leave you with this question: Besides cereal and oatmeal are there any quick breakfast ideas out there? I'm not one for cooking at 7:30am. Need ideas!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

it's a wild life

I've always prided (am I making up new words, here?) myself on being "outdoorsy". I grew up in the country. I was outside from sun up to sun down every day possible. I love hiking and being in the mountains. I'm moving up the success ladder of tent camping - on the still-need-a-real-toilet-but-can-do- without-a-shower level.  I was the organizer of many Cedar Grove community frog races and an avid collector of bugs back in the day. Having 3 boys who would live in a tent and chase bugs 24/7 if it were up to them has brought me much joy.

But put a spider or snake or mouse within a mile of me and chaos will ensue.

When we moved out of suburbia, I knew our chances of wildlife viewing would be much greater. I just had no idea that on a daily basis I would be encountering every species of bug known to man. Roaches? Got 'em. Little tiny unknown black bugs? Yep. Ants? Sure thing. Worms? Much to my boys' delight. Spiders? Way too many for my comfort level. Snakes? Not until today.

Yesterday the boys came running in to let me know they had found something that I! HAD! TO! SEE!!! I ran outside to find this in his nice geometrical web between two trees.                                                

I knew we had happened upon a rare rainforest species of insect, but turns out it's just a common Spinybacked Orbweaver. Common or not, that creepy thing was not what I wanted 30 feet from my house, but the boys convinced me to leave it. Last check it was still there hanging out. Pun intended.

This morning we were outside for PE (I use that term loosely). I saw some Ivy that was growing into the yard, so I grabbed a piece of the vine and pulled. When I did a section of pinestraw was moved. I saw something and wondered how a piece of rope got under the pinestraw. As I got closer I noticed that rope was coiled up and had a head and eyes and wriggled around. I tried not to scream. Really, I did. Two of my children came running to see. One ran inside with a vow to never return and one stood still. I think he though if he didn't move the snake may not see him.

species photo

So it turns out that snake is not poisonous. It's a common Brown snake. Common. Like the Spinybacked Orbweaver. Last check it was not there. Which makes me a bit anxious. As does the knowledge that these snakes have 3-30 young in late summer.

If you need me I'll be duct taping any open vents and cracks leading from the backyard into my house.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dear Lucas,

Today you are 10. Double digits. Two whole hands.

Every year you continue to amaze me by the young man you are becoming. Your name means "bearer of light and truth" and that says it all.

At 10 you:
*are very independent. You hardly need me for anything anymore. Which is good, but also makes me a little sad.

*LOVE cars. You can name every car on the road and most of the time the model year too. You tell us you want an old mustang when you can drive. We'll see if that changes in the next 6 years.

*can and do read an astonishing number of books weekly. You love, love, love mysteries, but will read anything. You are really enjoying Hank Zipster books right now.

*are always hungry. You can eat a huge lunch and I will find you eating a sandwich a couple of hours later. Though I'm still not sure where it goes since you are so. very. skinny.

*are almost taller than I am. Not much longer and I'll be looking up to you.

*wear the same size of shoe as I do.

*have started calling us Mom and Dad. Which I'm not so sure I like. :)

*are learning to play the guitar.

*love music. Switchfoot is your favorite, but you also really like Toby Mac.

*like to draw comics. You are showing your Dad's talent for art, though you aren't really interested in
trying anything that doesn't look like a cartoon.

*love to be on-the-go. You would travel the world everyday if possible.

*hate math.

*hate being still.

*love being outside.

*are showing us everyday how blessed we are to have you as our son. You are an incredible young man and we believe that God has big things in store for you. Our prayer is that His purposes are fulfilled in your life and that you grow up to be a Godly man, husband, and father. We can't wait to see what this year brings for you!

We love you!
Mom & Dad